Profile options | Listing duration | Cost (AUD incl. GST) |
Events | From publish date to end of event | FREE |
Not for Profit Organisations | 12 months | FREE |
Accredited businesses (click to learn more): 1. VTIC Sustainable Tourism Accredited Business (inc. Star Ratings) 2. Ecotourism Certified (EA), ECO Certified (Advanced Ecotourism) or ECO Certified (Nature Tourism) by Ecotourism Australia 3. Camp/Adventure Activity Accreditation Program 4. Caravan Holiday Parks Accreditation Program | 12 months | $120 per annum |
Standard business | 12 months | $295 per annum |
To list on the ATDW, your business or event must meet the following criteria:
For more information on eligibility and profile categories click here.
View or download a PDF guide with step-by-step advice for registering and creating an ATDW profile.
ATDW information and resources >
Contact Visit Victoria's dedicated ATDW Support Team:
P: 1300 306 366 (during business hours)