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ATDW Profiles for Victorian tourism businesses

The Victorian Government has re-introduced fees for Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) business listings from 1 July 2023. Events and not-for-profit businesses will remain free to list. More fee information here.

Payment for your ATDW profile renewal can be made directly via the ATDW payment gateway. If you operate in regional Victoria and you are a member of your Regional Tourism Board (RTB), payment may be made with a coupon if one has been provided to you as part of that membership. For RTB contact details, please see below.

Creating a new profile:

  1. Confirm that your business meets ATDW eligibility criteria. If you're unsure of your eligibility, contact us.
  2. Prepare a description of your business. Aim for 2-3 short paragraphs at a maximum of 200 words. You'll also need a selection of five to 10 high-quality landscape images to showcase your business.
  3. Go to to register an account for your organisation.
  4. Create your profile. You can find some instructions to guide you here.
  5. Payment can be made directly via the ATDW payment gateway. Depending on which region you operate in, if you are a member of your Regional Tourism Board (RTB), payment may be made with a coupon if one has been provided to you as part of that membership. For RTB contact details, please see below.

Renewing an existing profile:

All ATDW profiles require renewal every 12 months. Profiles can only be renewed within 30 days of their expiry date or any time after they have expired. Your profile's expiry date can be found on your ATDW-Online dashboard.

  1. Log in to your ATDW-Online account, locate your profile and click on RENEW
  2. Review and update your profile details
  3. Click on RENEW
  4. Proceed to the payment page and enter payment or a coupon code (if provided by your Regional Tourism Board). 
  5. Click on PLACE ORDER
  6. Your profile will be processed by the ATDW Support Team and republished within 1-2 business days

Not sure if you already have an ATDW profile?

Log in to your ATDW-Online account with your username (email address) and password. If you have forgotten your password, go to to reset your password.

Alternatively, contact Visit Victoria's ATDW Team at [email protected] or on 1300 306 366.

Contact your Regional Tourism Board 

Victorian Tourism Region   Regional Tourism Board contact details
Daylesford & the Macedon RangesDaylesford Macedon Tourism
E: [email protected]
Geelong & the Bellarine  Tourism Greater Geelong & the Bellarine
E: [email protected]
P: 03 5223 2588
GippslandDestination Gippsland
E: [email protected]
Goldfields - BallaratCity of Ballarat
E: [email protected]
Goldfields - BendigoCity of Greater Bendigo/Bendigo Tourism & Heathcote:
Melissa Jensen [email protected]
Central Goldfields Shire Council:
Emma Little [email protected] 
Mount Alexander Shire
Jessica McNamara [email protected]
Loddon Shire
Faith Cooper [email protected]

General (Bendigo Tourism): Justine Blacklock
[email protected]  
Grampians & Wimmera Mallee
Grampians Tourism
E: [email protected]
Great Ocean RoadGreat Ocean Road Regional Tourism
E: [email protected]
High CountryTourism North East
(excl. Yarra Valley & Mornington Peninsula)
Visit Victoria
E: [email protected]
P: 1300 306 366
Mornington PeninsulaMornington Peninsula
E: [email protected]
Phillip IslandDestination Phillip Island
E: [email protected]
The MurrayMurray Regional Tourism
E: [email protected]
Yarra Valley & the Dandenong RangesYarra Ranges Tourism
E: [email protected]
P: 03 8739 8000
Local Government Area
Cardinia Shire CouncilCardinia Shire Council
E: [email protected]
P: 1300 787 910
Mitchell Shire CouncilMitchell Shire Council
E: [email protected]
P: 03 5799 0233    
Moorabool Shire Council Moorabool Shire Council
E: [email protected]
Greater Shepparton City CouncilGreater Shepparton City Council
E: [email protected] 
Strathbogie Shire CouncilStrathbogie Shire Council
E: [email protected]
P: 03 5795 0093 

Free online training

Register for a free, online training session hosted by Visit Victoria to learn how to create, update and optimise your ATDW profile.

Register here
Writing A Description


How do I login to ATDW?
Go to and enter your username (email address) and password. If you don't know your password, go to and click on the 'Forgot password' link in the top right corner. Enter your username (email address) and an email will be sent to you with further instructions.
How do I reset my password to log in to ATDW-Online?
Go to and click on the 'Forgot password' link in the top right corner. Enter your username (email address) and an email will be sent to you with further instructions.
What is the ATDW and how does it work?
The ATDW is a digital content distribution platform for the Australian tourism industry. It provides Australian tourism businesses and events with increased online exposure through a single, self-managed profile that appears on many tourism platforms including, and many tourism marketing websites.
Do I need to pay to list an event on ATDW?
No. Listings for events, NFP or government-owned attractions do not require payment to be published. The payment pop-up box will not appear.
What is the eligibility criteria for having an ATDW listing?
Your business or event must have a physical presence in Australia, provide a direct experience to the leisure tourist and fit in to one of the following listing categories: Accommodation; Attraction; Food and Drink; Event; Hire; Tour; Transport and General Service. Tour operators and Accommodation providers must provide a current ABN upon registering an ATDW account.
I'm not sure if I have registered with ATDW in the past. How can I find out?
Please contact Visit Victoria's ATDW team for help on 1300 306 366 or at [email protected].
How to I find out when my listing is due to expire?
You can find your listing expiry date in the listing summary information on your ATDW-Online dashboard.
I am a Not for Profit business how do I list without paying?
If your organisation is not for profit, you are eligible for a free profile. The ATDW platform identifies NFPs via their ABN. To enable the free profile, you must enter your ABN in the field when registering your organisation. For further enquiries regarding NFP profiles, please email [email protected].
I am an Accredited business how do I access the reduced fee?
Iif your business is accredited by a designated organisation (see links within the organisation names in the table below), you may be eligible for a reduced ATDW profile fee of $120 per profile. This reduced rate will automatically appear in the pop-up payment box on the ATDW platform. If you are accredited, but the reduced fee doesn't appear, please send an email to [email protected] with supporting material regarding your accreditation.