ATDW has introduced new mandatory fields for Accommodation profile. Operators are now required to go into detail about their accommodation types, including a description and at least one photo.
Why has this changed?
These new fields have been made mandatory to encourage accommodation operators to go into greater detail about the different forms of accommodation available at their property, and will provide more content for ATDW distributors to display on their websites.
I only have one accommodation 'type', how do I fill this section in?
Some accommodation profile will only have the one type, for example holiday houses. You will still be required to complete this section, however instead of repeating the same information as in your description, you may want to use this section to add those specific details that you didn't have room to enter in your main description, like lists of facilities or bedding configurations.
1. Open your profile and click 'Add Accommodation type'. This is located at the bottom of the orange left hand menu bar.
2. You will be asked to select the category that best describes your accommodation type.
3. Once you have selected your Accommodation Type, you can then add the name, description and photos for your accommodation type.
* Reminder: If you have only one accommodation type you use this section to add details that you have not included in your main description.
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